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Registrar's Office916-566-3450 Ext. 21476
916-566-3450 Ext 21475
Enrolling a new student?
Enrolling a new student?
Enrolling a new student?
Twin Rivers Unified School District uses an online enrollment platform. Visit the TRUSD Enrollment page by clicking HERE.
Please visit the district website and fill out an online enrollment application.
Please also include your supporting documentation:
Birth Certificate
Immunization Record
Proof of Residency
IEP/504 Plan, if applicable
If you need assistance, please call the registration office at
Oficina de Registro
Oficina de Registro
Oficina de Registro
Horas de Oficina de Registro: 8:00am to 3:00pm
Muchos de los requisitos para inscribirse pueden hacerse de forma electrónica para limitar ser expuestos.
Visite el sitio web del distrito y complete una solicitud de inscripción en línea.
Por favor incluya también su documentación de respaldo:
Certificado de nacimiento
Cartilla de vacunación
Record de calificaciones
Prueba de residencia
Plan IEP / 504, si corresponde
Si necesita ayuda, llame a la oficina de registro: 916-566-3450 Ext. 21476 or Ext. 21475
Withdrawing a student?
Withdrawing a student?
Withdrawing a student?
In order for a student to be dropped from Grant Union High School, all student debts must be cleared. All Library books must be returned to the Library , and textbooks, and chromebooks must be returned to room S2 before visiting the Main Office or Registrar for disenrollment.
Request an Official Transcript
Request an Official Transcript
Request an Official Transcript